Event Promoters Terms & Condition

How soon after the event will the promoter receive payment?
Payments are deposited instantly into promoters paypal account!
Is there a cost for selling tickets online through EntertainmentXP.com?
No. There is no cost to the promoter for selling tickets through our site. The customer will pay a fee for this convenient service. The full value of all tickets sold are paid.
How are chargebacks/refunds handled for cancelled, rescheduled or changed events?
Promoters are responsible to handle all online disputes with your customers. Also, service/merchant fees incurred as a result of refund requests from customers due to a change to your event (e.g. venue), a cancelled or rescheduled event will be the responsibility of the promoter.
Can I use my login credentials for future events?
Will I get sales information on my event?
Yes you will receive periodic ticket sales reports and a final report of all sales for use at your event entrance.

Mark Clarke